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Remaining big beetles (various families)

Western Europe is located in the temperate zones of the world. This means that real big insects are scarce. The biggest beetle in our parts of the world is the Stag Beetle. It may reach a length of some 75 mm, but a large portion of the animal exists of the enormous jaws. Without them the animal reaches some 35 mm, so actually it isn't that big at all. On this page we have put beetles found in our garden belonging to families comprised of relatively big species, such as Carrion Beetles and the Chafers. There is no scientific reason putting these families together, though. Some families are not even closely related at all.

photograph Dytiscus marginalis
Water Tiger Dytiscus marginalis

The Water Tiger is one of the biggest beetles in Western Europe. more...

Family: Diving Beetles (Dytiscidae)

photograph Acilius sulcatus
Grooved Diving Beetle Acilius sulcatus

Grooved Diving Beetle is also known as the Lesser Diving Beetle. more...

Family: Diving Beetles (Dytiscidae)

photograph Helophorus aequalis
Helophorus aequalis

Helophorus aequalisis a weird Water Beetle, for it can't swim. more...

Family: Water Scavenger Beetles (Hydrophilidae)

photograph May Bug
May Bug, male Melolontha melolontha

The fan at the end of the antenna of the male May Bug consists of 7 parts. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Maybeetle
May Bug, female Melolontha melolontha

The fan of the female May Bug consists of 6 parts. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Rookworm
May Bug, larva Melolontha melolontha

The white grub (larva) of the May Bug is known as rookworm. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Rose chafer
Rose chafer Cetonia aurata

The Rose chafer is a beautiful and impressive beetle. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Garden Foliage Beetle
Garden Foliage Beetle Phyllopertha horticola

The Garden Foliage Beetle can be devastating in lawns. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Margined Vine Chafer
Margined Vine Chafer Anomala dubia

The Margined Vine Chafer quickly conquered most of Europe. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Brown Chafer
Brown Chafer Serica brunnea

The Brown Chafer is a cousin of the May Bug, which can walk very well. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Checkered Beetle
Checkered Beetle Valgus hemipterus

The Checkered Beetle is not a British species, but has been introduced to the USA and Canada. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Aphodius contaminatus
Aphodius contaminatus

Aphodius contaminatus is a Dung Beetle found on dry sandy soils exclusively. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph Aphodius prodromus
Aphodius prodromus

Much favoured as source of food in spring by crows, jackdaws and rooks: Aphodius prodromus. more...

Family: Scarab Beetles (Scarabaeidae)

photograph White Fungus Beetle
White Fungus Beetle Anthribus albinus

The White Fungus Beetle looks like it is molded all over. more...

Family: Fungus Weevils (Anthribidae)

photograph Thick-legged Flower Beetle
Thick-legged Flower Beetle Ischnomera cyanea

The Thick-legged Flower Beetle is a metallic green, very elongated beetle. more...

Family: False Blister Beetles (Oedemeridae)

photograph Oedemera lurida
Oedemera lurida

Oedemera lurida usually glistens greenly, but sometimes more blueish. more...

Family: False Blister Beetles (Oedemeridae)

photograph Black-headed Cardinal Beetle
Black-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa coccinea

The Black-headed Cardinal Beetle is not a very common species and rarely visits gardens. more...

Family: Cardinal Beetles (Pyrochroidae)

photograph Red-headed Cardinal Beetle
Red-headed Cardinal Beetle Pyrochroa serraticornis

The Red-headed Cardinal Beetle is much more common than its black-headed nephew. more...

Family: Cardinal Beetles (Pyrochroidae)

photograph Lagria hirta
Lagria hirta

Lagria hirta is especially fond of compost heaps. more...

Family: Lagrid Beetles (Lagriidae)

photograph Devil's Coach Horse
Devil's Coach Horse Staphylinus olens

The Devil's Coach Horse is sometimes mistaken for a small scorpion. more...

Family: Rove Beetles (Staphylinidae)

photograph Nebria brevicollis
Nebria brevicollis

Nebria brevicollis is a ground beetle which can be seen even in the centre of big cities. more...

Family: Ground Beetles (Carabidae)

photograph Lesser Searcher Beetle
Lesser Searcher Beetle Calosoma inquisitor

The Lesser Searcher Beetle eats the caterpillars and pupae of among others the Oak Processionary. more...

Family: Ground Beetles (Carabidae)

photograph Agonum species
Agonum species

It is not certain, but this could be the unicoloured version of Agonum muelleri. more...

Family: Ground Beetles (Carabidae)

photograph Amara species
Amara species

Amara species usually can not be identified from just a picture. more...

Family: Ground Beetles (Carabidae)

photograph Nalassus laevioctostriatus
Nalassus laevioctostriatus

Nalassus laevioctostriatus looks like a Ground Beetle, but actually belongs to its own family, called Darkling Beetles or Darkening Beetles. more...

Family: Darkling Beetles (Tenebrionidae)

photograph Mealworm Beetle
Mealworm Beetle Tenebrio molitor

The larva of the Mealworm Beetle is better known than the adult beetle is.more...

Family: Darkling Beetles (Tenebrionidae)

photograph Silpha obscura
Silpha obscura

Silpha obscura is a common black Carrion Beetle. more...

Family: Carrion Beetles (Silphidae)

photograph Oiceoptoma thoracica
Oiceoptoma thoracica

Oiceoptoma thoracica is a beautiful, but badly smelling species. more...

Family: Carrion Beetles (Silphidae)

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This page has last been modified on Wednesday, December 19, 2018.
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