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Garden Spiders

At this page a collection of common spiders rather found in one's garden. This does not mean you can't find them in your house or on walls or fences, but during most of the year you'll discover them in your plants or lawn. Some species will climb walls in autumn and some others will even invade the house. Usually they are just looking for a good place to overwinter. This division is far from scientific of course, but will assist you in locating a species more easily.

It is not always possible to name a species. There are many similar species. The only way to tell those apart is by killing the animal and examining the genitals. For this site we do not kill animals. So in some cases we can only give you the name of the genus or family the spider belongs to.

photograph Nigma walckenaeri
Nigma walckenaeri

Nigma walckenaeri is beautifully green, but hard to find, for it is well camouflaged. More...

Family: Meshweavers (Dictynidae)

photograph Diaea dorsata
Green Crab Spider Diaea dorsata

You are probably very surprised this Crab Spider is called the Green Crab Spider. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Crab Spiders (Thomisinae)

photograph Misumena vatia
Goldenrod Crab Spider Misumena vatia

The Goldenrod Crab Spider is able to change its colour quickly. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Crab Spiders (Thomisinae)

photograph Ozyptila praticola
Leaflitter Crab Spider Ozyptila praticola

The Leaflitter Crab Spider is a common species in European gardens and a local species in Northern America. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Crab Spiders (Thomisinae)

photograph Xysticus cristatus / Xysticus kochi
Common Crab Spider Xysticus cristatus / Xysticus kochi

The Common Crab Spider is a common species indeed, but actually there are two! More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Crab Spiders (Thomisinae)

photograph Coriarachne depressa
Flat Crabspider Coriarachne depressa

The Flat Crabspider seems to be on a diet constantly. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Crab Spiders (Thomisinae)

photograph Philodromus dispar
House Crab Spider Philodromus dispar

The House Crab Spider is often seen on walls and fences. The males are entirely black. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Running Crab Spiders (Philodrominae)

photograph Philodromus sp
Running Crab Spider species Philodromus sp

Many species of Running Crab Spiders can not be named from just a picture. More...

Family: Crab Spiders and Running Crab Spiders (Thomisidae)
Subfamily: Running Crab Spiders (Philodrominae)

photograph Pardosa sp
Wolf Spider species Pardosa sp

A lot of Wolf Spiders can not be told apart from just pictures. More...

Family: Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae)

photograph Pisaura mirabilis
Nursery Web Spider Pisaura mirabilis

The Nursery Web Spider is often seen in gardens sunbathing on top of a leaf or flower. More...

Family: Nursery Web Spiders (Pisauridae)

photograph Enoplognatha ovata / Enoplognatha latimana
Candy-stripe Spider Enoplognatha ovata / Enoplognatha latimana

What we usually call the Candy-stripe Spider actually are two look-a-like species. More...

Family: Comb-footed Spiders (Theridiidae)

photograph Theridion varians
Theridion varians

Theridion varians is a species living as far north as the Polar circle. More...

Family: Comb-footed Spiders (Theridiidae)

photograph Anelosimus vittatus
Anelosimus vittatus

Anelosimus vittatus is a well marked and very common species. More...

Family: Comb-footed Spiders (Theridiidae)

photograph Tetragnatha extensa
Common Stretchspider Tetragnatha extensa

The Common Stretchspider is capable of walking on water and usually lives close to water. More...

Family: Stretchspiders (Tetragnathidae)

photograph Tetragnatha montana
Tetragnatha montana

Tetragnatha montana can be found far away from water. More...

Family: Stretchspiders (Tetragnathidae)

photograph Meta segmentata
Lesser Garden Spider, male Meta segmentata

The male of the Lesser Garden Spider does look like a Stretch Spider a lot, but... More...

Family: Stretchspiders (Tetragnathidae)

photograph Meta segmentata
Lesser Garden Spider, female Meta segmentata

... The female of the Lesser Garden Spider is a smaller and less religious edition of the Garden Spider. More...

Family: Stretchspiders (Tetragnathidae)

photograph Meta merianae
Meta merianae

This is an adult Meta merianae overwintering. More...

Family: Stretchspiders (Tetragnathidae)

photograph Araneus diadematus
Garden Spider Araneus diadematus

Europe's best known spider is the Garden Spider. More...

Family: Orb-web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph Argiope bruennichi
Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi

From the picture you can tell why this big spider is called Wasp Spider. More...

Family: Orb-web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph Neoscona adianta
Bordered Orbweaver Neoscona adianta

Usually the Bordered Orbweaver is brownish or reddish, but this one is canary yellow. More...

Family: Orb-web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph Araniella cucurbitina / Araniella opisthographa
Cucumber Spider Araniella cucurbitina / Araniella opisthographa

This beautiful green relative of the Garden Spider has a obvious name: Cucumber Spider. It is either of two species. More...

Family: Orb-web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph of the Common Hammock-weaver
Common Hammock-weaver Linyphia triangularis

The Common Hammock-weaver lives up side down mainly. More...

Family: Sheet Web Spiders or Linen Weavers (Linyphiidae)

photograph of the Invisible spider
Invisible spider Drapetisca socialis

The Invisible Spider is very hard to spot, yet it is a common spider in Britain. More...

Family: Sheet Web Spiders or Linen Weavers (Linyphiidae)

photograph of the Small hanky-weaver
Small Hanky-weaver Microlinyphia pusilla

This is a male of the Small Hanky-weaver; the female is completely different: bigger and more colourful. More...

Family: Sheet Web Spiders or Linen Weavers (Linyphiidae)

photograph of a Money Spider species
Money Spider species Erigoninae sp

This is one of the threehundred species of Money Spiders, also known as Dwarf Spiders. More...

Family: Sheet Web Spiders or Linen Weavers (Linyphiidae)

photograph of a Money Spider species
Sac Spider species Clubiona sp

Sac Spiders usually are grey or brown. More...

Family: Sac Spiders or Foliage Spiders (Clubionidae)

photograph of Clubiona comta
Clubiona comta

Clubiona comta is a very common species all over Britain, yet it has no common name. More...

Family: Sac Spiders or Foliage Spiders (Clubionidae)

photograph of Anyphaena accentuata
Buzzing Spider Anyphaena accentuata

The male Buzzing Spider drums on leaves to get the attention of the female. More...

Family: Buzzing Spiders (Anyphaenidae)

photograph of Agroeca sp
Running Foliage Spider species Agroeca sp

The Running Foliage Spiders are rarely seen, but their cocoons are. More...

Family: Running Foliage Spiders (Liocranidae)

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This page has last been modified on Sunday, October 28, 2018.
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