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House Spiders

The spiders on this page are rather found in the house, on the walls, in attics or on fences then in the garden. Which does not mean you will never find them elsewhere. Jumping spiders for instance are also seen on tree trunks. Most species though are frequently encountered in or around the house. This division in spiders is by no means scientifically correct. I do hope however it will help you in quickly finding a species on this site.

photograph Amaurobius similis
Lace Webbed Spider Amaurobius similis

The Lace Webbed Spider is not one, but two species. More...

Family: Funnel Web Spiders (Amaurobiidae)

photograph Amaurobius fenestralis
Lace Webbed Spider Amaurobius fenestralis

The second species usually called Lace Webbed Spider in common English. More...

Family: Funnel Web Spiders (Amaurobiidae)

photograph Pholcus phalangioides
Daddy Long Legs Spider Pholcus phalangioides

The Daddy Long Legs Spider is also known as the Vibrating Spider or the Cellar Spider. More...

Family: Vibrating Spiders (Pholcidae)

photograph Salticus scenicus
Zebra Spider Salticus scenicus

The Zebra Spider is the most common, small jumping spider on walls and fences. More...

Family: Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

photograph Marpissa muscosa
Fencepost Jumper Marpissa muscosa

The Fencepost Jumper is common in a small area in South-east England only. Scarce or absent elsewhere in Britain. More...

Family: Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

photograph Sitticus pubescens
Sitticus pubescens

The female of Sitticus pubescens doesn't look like a jumping spider at all. More...

Family: Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

photograph Euophrys frontalis
Euophrys frontalis

In the picture a juvenile male of Euophrys frontalis. More...

Family: Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

photograph Ballus chalybeius
Ballus chalybeius

In the picture a male of Ballus chalybeius. The swolen legs are characteristic of the males in the genus Ballus More...

Family: Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)

photograph Eratigena atrica
Common Housespider Eratigena atrica

This is the creep scaring so many people: the Common Housespider. More...

Family: Cob-web Spiders (Agelenidae)

photograph Larinioides sericatus
Bridge Spider Larinioides sericatus

The Bridge Spider is scarce in Britain, but may be encountered in great numbers when it is present. More...

Family: Orb Web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph Zygiella x-notata
Silver-sided Sector Spider Zygiella x-notata

Extremely common near windows: the Silver-sided Sector Spider. In the picture a female. More...

Family: Orb Web Spiders (Araneidae)

photograph Segestria senoculata
Segestria senoculata

It is much easier to find Segestria senoculata on a wall than under loose bark. More...

Family: Orb Web Spiders (Araneidae)

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This page has last been modified on Sunday, November 25, 2018.
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