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Pale Yellow Leafroller Aleimma loeflingiana

The basic colour of the Pale Yellow Leafroller is variable and may be white or ochreous. It is heavily marked with rusty brown specks, smears and spots. Two larger spots in the middle of the wing have lots of silvry grey or blackish scales, arranged in two not very well defined bands. Above these bands, near the base of the wing often is a much smaller darker spot, which may or may not contain silvry or blackish scales as well. Quite variable species, especially where the dark scales are concerned. Very light and unmarked specimens are often appearing, like the one in the bottom pictures. The antennae are ringed, the legs are mainly grey. Luckily there is no similar species. Identification usually does not present you with a problem. It is a rather small species, for the wingspan is between 14 and 19 mm only.

The eggs are being laid in summer and overwinter. They hatch by the beginning of May. The caterpillars of the Pale Yellow Leafroller roll up a leaf, or fold one together and eat it from within. They are dark green or even blackish green, covered in many rather big black dots. The head and the neckshield are dark or even black as well. The larvae grow to be some 15mm in length. They are found on oak, maple, sycamore and hornbeam.

This is a typical summer species, on the wing from June to the middle of August. Is attracted to light sporadically, but is usually seen resting on top of a leaf during the day. A very common species in England and Wales. In Scotland only found in the southern parts. On the continent the Pale Yellow Leafroller also is a very common species. In Scandinavia only found in the southern part of Sweden.