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Crested Titmouse Periparus ater

The smallest Titmouse in Central Europe is the Coal Tit. It is even slightly smaller than the Blue Tit. It isn't a very striking bird, but is easily recognized, for it really does look like any other Tit and has a strikingly big black cap showing a white line in the middle. Its song is soft and not very dramatic, but it sings all year round. And it is not only the male singing, the females sing just as much. The species rather depends on pines, so probably it will not turn up in everyone's garden. The Coal Tit is not shy at all, but it is difficult to take a good picture of the animal, for it behaves quite restlessly. When it visits our feeding table it gives the impression of being nervous and moves about incessantly. Only on out nets containing peanuts it will sometimes sit more quietly.

This bird is the smallest of all real tits in Holland. In summer you will never see it, because it lives high up in trees en prefers larger forests. Actually in some languages its common name means Pine Tit and that accurately describes the animal's habitat. In winter, especially snowy or cold ones, it will visit your garden to look at the food you're offering. The unstriking song is produced by both the males and the females.

This bird belongs to the family of Chickadees or Titmice (Paridae). It is common in our garden and can be seen in Holland all year round. The bird is no more than 4" and weighs 9 grams only. It lives in pine trees mostly. It eats insects and seeds. The sexes do not differ from one another. In april the birds look for a suitable hole in a tree to build their nest. No less than eight to ten eggs are being laid, which need 15 days to hatch. The chicks remain in their nest for 16 more days.

This bird is also known as Parus ater, its former scientific name.

Vogelgeluid Vogelgeluid