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Common Bagworm Psyche casta

The larvae of some moths build their own house to live in. Among these are the Bagworm Moths. They build a house from all kinds of materials. Each species builds its own type of house. Thus they can be told apart by looking at the shape of the bag and the materials used. The Common Bagworm climbs on to plants and trees, but uses houses, stables and garden sheds as well. The female never leaves her bag, for she has no wings and cannot even fly. The males do fly around, looking for the females. After mating the female Common Bagworms sometimes keep the eggs in the bag. When the young hatch, they start off by eating mum. Then they steal the smaller parts of her bag to make their first small bag. Only then are they ready to explore the world... Very often the Common Bagworm is referred to by its former scientific name: Fumea casta.