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Brown Grey Scoparia ambigualis

Below to the left the Brown Grey. The adults of this species fly from May to July and the larvae supposingly feed on mosses. Wingspan: up to 22 mm in this and most of the similar species. Be very careful when recording them. There are some 14 species of Scopariinae and some are very hard to tell apart! The Brown Grey is extremely similar to the Ground-moss Grey and the Little Grey. Characteristics for the three species are as follows:

The black spot resembling an x, usually looks like an x, just like it does in the Brown Grey. However in the Little Grey it does look more like a c. The wings of Brown Grey are broader than those of the other two species. The dark line just in front of the white is best developed in the Little Grey, less so in Brown Grey and least in the Ground-moss Grey. Compared to the Brown Grey the Ground-moss Grey is rather black and white lacking brownish tones so visible in the Brown Grey. The Ground-moss Grey doesn't fly in May and the first half of June, the Brown Grey however does.
Do keep in mind though that you can never be sure, for especially the Brown Grey is very variable. The only way to tell them apart for sure is by examining the genitals. And when you are a beginner do take good pictures and present them to experienced microlepidopterists, or on a good forum on the internet.

The Brown Grey is also called the Common Grey.