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European Crane Fly Tipula paludosa

The European Crane Fly is about 3 centimeters in length. The females are remarkably unmarked. Males have markings, but these are variable and may be absent. The adults only appear once a year in August and September. The European Crane Fly doesn't fly much. And once a female is full of eggs, it can hardly fly at all. The eggs are therefor deposited in great numbers together. The larvae, which may be up to 4 centimeters, are called leatherjackets. They are responsible for quite some damage in a lawn. And the lawn is most effected at a time it is vulnerable: in winter. The larvae of the European Crane Fly are extremely well handling winter and remain active even in severe colds. The adults themselves are absolutely harmless as they don't even eat at all. This species is common all over Western Europe. Has also been introduced in the United States, where it is considered an invasive pest species.